Our week on Vieques, we stayed at
La Finca Caribe with the rest of Beky and Dan's closest 'people.' La Finca is an AMAZING place - just don't expect a resort! Here is Connor under his mosquito net the first night - he wasn't so happy but soon got used to it! No AC meant a lot of open doors & windows so we made sure the boys were covered in case of a mosquito attack. There was never an attack! Although we did learn that there was at least one scorpion in our house - Mark and Whitney brought it home in their luggage!
Coconut on the front porch of Nueva Casa (our house).
Harris sat (successfully) in a high chair for the first time when we took a trip to Esperenza. Vieques is only 22 miles wide so all trips were easy.
Connor climbed a tree for the first time at La Finca. This is right in front of the main house where the majority of the group stayed and the wedding party was held.
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